Insurance backed guarantee

...Providing peace of mind for every build...

 5 Years IBGs for every job

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Peace of mind

 Save time

Why is a Insurance backed Guarantee Important?

Peace of mind

If a defect arises in the works, the contractor will normally honour their responsibilities by attending to the defect at no cost to you, as set out in their written guarantee.

Not all builders stick around.

Although a contractor’s written guarantee sets out their obligation to rectify defects in works carried out by them, it cannot guarantee that they will always be around.

Long term commitment

If you do not have an Insurance Backed Guarantee then you may incur substantial costs in the future if faults arise in the works.

If a builder goes bust area you covered?

If a contractor ceases to trade, and defects subsequently develop in any works, the contractor’s written guarantee, although made in good faith and with the best of intentions, would be useless.


An Insurance Backed Guarantee (IBG) is an insurance policy that helps homeowners if there are problems with the quality of the work after your business is no longer operating if you've retired, or suffering from an illness and you can't fulfil the written guarantee. 


If a defect is discovered in the insured works after the contractor has ceased trading, it falls under the terms of the original contractor’s written guarantee and the terms of the Policy of Insurance, then the IBG would meet the reasonable cost of rectifying the defects up to a limit of the original contract price.

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